Nominee for the Category: Best Astrology Practitioner​​​
Rick DiClemente
Rick DiClemente, Author of "The Exquisite Zodiac"
Rick DiClemente’s astrological work continues to evolve as he learns from his clients and pursues his own personal and spiritual growth. He trusts the Universe's wisdom to flow through him to deliver just the right messages when needed.
In fact, Rick and his clients agree that somehow the consultation occurs at just the right pre-appointed time. The client and astrologer begin to walk closely together through the client’s story. The path begins to naturally wend through a sacred place where the details of the story begin to fall away, revealing in their stead the astrological archetypes, the stuff of the client’s deeper consciousness, the existential core. Although at first, this territory seems unfamiliar and incomprehensible, with Rick’s guidance, the client becomes reacquainted with these undeniable, irrepressible inhabitants of the psyche. They subversively express themselves unless or until the client chooses a more conscious collaboration. It’s a magical homecoming, a remembering of this lifetime’s original, beautiful essence and purpose. The client carries insights gained from this journey back into the light of daily life, revitalized and knowing how to use these archetypal energies consciously and purposefully toward their own and the greater good.
His Story

Rick has been practicing astrology as an art, a science, a discipline and a way of life for over 36 years. In addition to his work with individual clients, he is known for his down-to-earth and humorous way of delivering his astrological knowledge to groups.
He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and workshops and has been a guest on numerous radio and TV shows over many years. While he no longer teaches astrology in person, he is planning a YouTube series of lectures based on his book, “The Exquisite Zodiac”.
“The Exquisite Zodiac,” written with Liza Jane Brown, is a field guide to the archetypes of the zodiac, written for both the non-astrologer and the advanced practitioner. TEZ was favorably reviewed in the October/November 2013 issue of The Mountain Astrologer magazine. It has been heralded in many unsolicited reviews as an engaging, entertaining, educational, and often-referred-to volume that can be carried in a backpack or purse. This book is the first of a planned trilogy.
Rick has also written for various publications, including Point of Light, OM Times, and Pure Times magazines.
Astrological consultations at Rick’s Starself office in Pittsburgh, PA. Consultations can also be scheduled nationally and internationally over the telephone and by Skype.
Other Books
Rick DiClemente is, the author of Starself Publisher & Book House. Media inquiries should be directed to them.